Riccardo Coppola

Custom build Zepto with Grunt and Bower

November 03, 2014

Workflow: I think it’s the most important thing for a frontend developer. I like tweaking, improving and fixing my workflow: it makes me feel safe. It makes my life easier, my job quickly done.

The following is another piece of my workflow that I am happy to share with you, hopefully it’ll make your life easier as well.

Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. If you use jQuery, you already know how to use Zepto.

At the time of writing, these are the uncompressed sizes of the libraries:

  • jQuery v2.1.1.js - 247k
  • Zepto v.1.1.4 (minimal, no additional modules) - 54.2k: 159k lighter (64%)
  • Zepto v.1.1.4 (complete, all additional modules) - 88k: 193k lighter (78%)

Zepto plugins and custom builds

Zepto comes, in it’s default ‘package’, as a small library without additional jQuery modules like event, ajax, data, deferred, etc.

You may be perfectly fine with this, but if you want to take advantage of these additional features or you have to integrate Zepto with libraries like Backbone, then you need some additional modules.

In this case, to keep the size as low as possible, you may want to create a custom build of Zepto, tailored on your specific needs.

The Zepto online builder

The first place you may want to look into is the online Zepto builder.
It lets you choose the plugins and download your custom build.

This may work for you if you just need to quickly build your Zepto, but if you want to integrate this in your workflow, it’s probably not the right way.

Zepto custom build on fly

If you want to keep using Bower to handle your dependencies (see how to integrate Grunt and Bower in your workflow), then you need more flexibility than having to go and build your library on a website.

The workflow that we’ll create will consist of the following steps:

  1. Install Bower and Zepto
  2. Run Bower to fetch the full Zepto source
  3. Build a custom version of Zepto based on the plugin you need
  4. Run grunt-bowercopy to copy the final file in our vendor folder

Note: I assume that you are using load-grunt-config to load your Grunt tasks.

Step 1. Install Bower and Zepto

First of all you need to install Bower (I install it locally to avoid any dependency): npm install --save-dev bower

Now, you are ready to install Zepto: node_modules/.bin/bower install --save zeptojs

Step 2. Run Bower to fetch the full Zepto source

To do this, I use the grunt-shell task, perfect to run command-line stuff from Grunt. npm install --save-dev grunt-shell

Then, in your shell.js file (your Grunt task definition):

// grunt/shell.js

module.exports = function () {
  "use strict";
  return {
    options: {
      stderr: true,
    runBower: {
      command: "node_modules/.bin/bower install",

Now, running grunt shell:runBower you should see Bower fetching your Zepto.

What you have now is the full source of the library: we need to create our custom build.

Step 3. Build Zepto based on the plugins you need

Again, since it is a shell command, the grunt-shell task will help us.
You can learn more about creating custom Zepto builds on GitHub.

For our example, we need to create a build with the following plugins: zepto, event, ajax, form, data, deferred, callbacks.

We’ll create a buildZepto task for it in our shell.js file:

// grunt/shell.js

module.exports = function () {
  "use strict";
  return {
    options: {
      stderr: true,
    runBower: {
      command: "node ./node_modules/.bin/bower install",
    buildZepto: {
      command: [
        "cd bower_components/zeptojs",
        "npm install",
        'MODULES="zepto event ajax form data deferred callbacks" npm run-script dist',

Running grunt shell:buildZepto will now build your custom Zepto and place it into your bower_components/zeptojs folder.

Now it’s time to copy just the file that we need in our vendor folder.

Step 4. Run grunt-bowercopy to copy the final file in our vendor folder

There is an awesome Grunt task that will take care of copying just the stuff that you need, from your bower_components folder to your vendor. It is called grunt-bowercopy.

So, go ahead and install it: npm install grunt-bowercopy --save-dev

Now, it’s time to configure it, creating a bowercopy.js file into your grunt folder.

// grunt/bowercopy.js

module.exports = function () {
  'use strict';
    return {
        options: {
            runBower: false
        js: {
            options: {
                destPrefix: 'js/vendor'
            files: {
                'zepto': 'zeptojs/dist/zepto.js',

Try to run grunt bowercopy now, and you’ll find a zepto.js file in your vendor folder. Amazing, we achieved exactly what we wanted.

Wrap it up

To make our life easier, let’s create an alias that will do everything for us in one command.
In our aliases.js.

// grunt/aliases.js

vendor: ['clean:vendor', 'shell:runBower', 'shell:buildZepto', 'bowercopy:js']

To test it, run grunt vendor.

Happy coding,


Notes on web development, life, learning and the world.